Map screen in the app
Map screen in the app
Users can find the vehicles they have access to on a map. When a vehicle is in use the icon will be greyed out. When a vehicle is available it will be in the primary color of the app. When a vehicle is in use the real live location of the vehicle is not shown, instead it's placed in the center of its home zone. For vehicles that are not in use the app shows the icon on the real live location as reported by the in-car hardware (if installed).
Map icons
TMF provides a standard set of map icons. The map icons are rendered in the theme's color of the vehicle is available or in grey if the vehicle is in use.
The map icons are by default based on the category of the vehicle model. The following categories are available:
small car
mpv (multi purpose vehicle) car
medium car
small van
medium van
big van
cargo bike
Under the map icon is place for a label. By default the range for a full battery as configured on the vehicle model is shown.
Customizing map icons
Customization of map icons can be defined on 2 levels
- the model of the physical vehicle (default)
- the vehicle service unit
The map icon can be customized using a customization string of the following format
app://{vehicle_category}?color={hex color code}&caption?={custom caption}
app://{small_car}?color=0xFFFF6677&caption?=big battery
This type of customization can only be done by TMF support.
If lots of vehicles are displayed on the same position on the map the map icons are clustered. A number indicates how many vehicles are in the cluster (both available and in use). Clicking a cluster will zoom in and open the clusters' content.
Clustering can be turned of starting from a certain zoom level of the map. For example no clustering happens anymore if zoomed in until zoom level 15.
If you have multiple vehicles in one place you can consider to use the mobility hubs view.
Map Layer
Default location
The map opens on the last location viewed by the user. If the user has granted location permissions to the app the map can move to the users' current location if the users presses the my location button.
Map provider
Different map providers are supported. TMF provides a map box map for all TMF member production apps.