Garage doors
The TMF platform supports 2 hardware types for opening a garage door. When the user has an active reservation for a vehicle that is parked behind a garage door, the user will be shown a button in the app to open the door. Pressing this button will send an open command to the garage door. The garage door should close automatically again after a certain time.
Access to the garage door
The TMF server only allows the opening of a garage door for users with an active reservation, or a next reservation, for a vehicle service unit where the home zone has an associated garage door specific for that vehicle service unit. Do note that currently in the app ,the open button is only shown when the user has an active reservation.
Control Center
This section will be added once garage doors are integrated in control center. TMF support will do the configuration for you until Garage doors are implemented in the Control Center.
WeSmartPark is a garage door opening system that supports sending opening commands via bluetooth and over the internet. Currently TMF only supports sending opening commands over the internet. This means both the hardware and the end-users' phone should have a stable internet connection. Supporting bluetooth for WeSmartPark garage doors is planned.
Insert pictures of the hardware.
LThings is a garage door opening system that only supports sending opening commmands over the internet.
Insert pictures of hardware.